Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Day Three

Okay, so I didn't write yesterday, but I feel like I had a good excuse. I had a concrete pour that when way south early, early today - i.e. I've had 3 hours of sleep in 48 hours. Bleh.

Anyway, I did think about some of the fundamentals, but I didn't research it.

There's a relationship between hydraulic roughness and shear stress. I need to learn more about this. That's why next semester I want to take Fluid Dynamics from the ME department. I also want to take a boundary layer class from the ME's as well, but they don't have internet classes right now.

So, my thought is to really try to find a relationship between the two for large diameter pipe (and yes, I recognize this is very Polyanna-ish at this time, but that's what free writing is all about).

I met up with a consultant who has good connections with the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD). They have large diameter pipe, do not chloraminate, and have zebra mussels. I'd like to reach out to them to see if I can get seasonal information. He mentioned that they are taking data every 15 minutes (which, based on the work for the Thesis, I found to be not very useful information - the data is really much more stable than what I originally thought.

So, I have to really look at that relationship.

Also, there are some items I would like to consider as well. It's a long shot (and I'll need to *really* go back to some of my old Biological Processes classes). When CH2M did some invasive species work to determine how to best determine chloramine dose, they took multiple data points based on TOC, Temperature of water, pH, etc. . .

They used Eureka to fit an equation to the data.

The result was somewhat controversial and not well received by my management. The equation showed that TOC had a much more prevalent role in chloramine residual performance.

This has never left me. These results also were discredited by an academic, and management. But I think there should be some more information collection to double check the results.

I also have wanted a conductivity meter at the lakes - I believe this can relate to TOC values. I need to research.

Action Item: TOC to Connectivity - will a connectivity meter be able to determine this on a regular basis.

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